Why Technology for Young Children is not Recommended

Why Technology for Young Children is not Recommended (1)

Today most parents themselves give various technology devices to their kids so they stay calm and quiet. However, they are unaware of the harmful effects of technology on their child. More dependency on technology is making the kids less creative and raising several health issues. This is why for young children technology is not recommended. Let’s see the reasons why you should not allow your young child to use tech.

Negative Effects of Technology on Children

Side effects of technology

Technology has both positive and negative impacts on children. While technology can keep kids updated and explore the world, the tendency to use technology is increasing rapidly. Instead of benefitting, now this habit making the condition worse. Kids are not getting proper childhood development.

As a parent, you can notice you can no longer spend more time with your kid. They are always busy browsing or gaming. Let’s see why technology is not recommended for young children.

Effects on Cognitive Development

Cognitive development or brain development is most important for children. However, overdependency on technology impairs the cognitive development of young children.

Using tech kids are always involved in interactive and hyper-stimulating content. This impacts the natural way the brain processes information. Gradually, kids face difficulty in learning newer things. They can not solve simple problems or be involved in critical thinking.

Also, studies suggest that children who spend considerable time on tech devices may struggle with tasks that require them to apply what they have learned in new or varied situations.

Simply, if your child is really good at math games does not mean he or she will be great at solving math problems on paper. They will lack a deeper understanding of the whole concept.

Technology Decreases Kid’s Attention Span

Without knowing that technology is decreasing our children’s attention span we let them play video games or browse content on platforms like YouTube. The platforms provide quick interactions in less time.

When a kid gets used to using these tech devices or content they no longer want to spend time reading books or playing in the field for hours. Because this type of interactive activity needs more focus and time.

Over time your kid almost forgets to be attentive doing something. Now this will affect their learning and academic performance too. Giving attention to classrooms and what the teachers are teaching will no longer grab the kid’s attention.

Childhood Obesity & Illness

Obese children are very common nowadays and the core reason is playing more video games, and watching TV all day long without any physical movement.

Back in the 19’s and late 2009 kids used to spend time playing or doing outdoor activities. There was less use of tech devices among children. When a kid does daily physical activities they tend to be more healthy. Their muscles become stronger and build a good immune system.

Now toddlers eat more fast food and use technology sitting in one corner of the room. Even parents are willingly giving their children devices so they do not have mischeaves. So, the kid becomes obese and faces many illnesses at a very young age.

Social and Emotional Consequences

Excessive screen time does not let kids interact with their families or friends. They may not participate in social gatherings, birthday parties, or school picnics. Even if they attend social gatherings, they tend to be busy with their devices.

Children’s social communication skills develop when they spend time with other kids or teachers. Like playing in groups they learn to share and take turns. But when they become more dependent on technology they stay far away from developing the core skills.

Moreover, without face-to-face interaction, it is not possible to understand others’ emotions. Because, Children learn empathy and understanding by interpreting facial expressions, body language, and vocal tone. But technology snatches away this too. Ultimately, kids are becoming egoistic, grumpy, or moody.

Dependency and Addiction

Technology is good as long as it does not become an addiction for children. However, controlling the use of technology in children is quite tough.

The modern technology has a more engaging nature that makes the kids more dependent on it. All the apps and games are designed to keep the users engaged. Slowly the real world seems less interesting to kids at a very young age when they did not even explore 1% of the world. Children may show signs of irritability, restlessness, or even anxiety when they are away from their devices.

For instance, take aways your toddlers tablet and take him to a park. You are expecting him to play around and be happy. But the contrast happens with the kids. The dependency on technology hinders their engagement in activities like reading, socializing with friends, or appreciating nature, ultimately impacting their growth and development.


According to the Cyberbullying Research Center, bullying is most common among kids aged 12 to 15. In a recent survey conducted by the center, it was found that 23.7% of girls, 21.9% of boys, and 35.4% of transgender teens had been victims of bullying.

Without proper supervision of parents on children’s technological use, cyberbullying can seriously affect them. Many often children or teenagers can not share it with their parents. Consequently, they experience depression, and anxiety and can not lead a happy life. Cyberbullying in teenage age can long affect adult life too. People may not come out of the dark days they faced when they were bullied.

Mobile Device Overuse Reduces Sleep Quality

Mobile is used the most in modern technology that has snatched away healthy sleep from adults to kids. Everyone now uses mobile devices before bedtime which impacts child’s sleep quality.

This is because the blue light emitted by the screen interferes with the hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. This makes it difficult for kids to fall asleep. After a while, you can notice there is no sleeping routine for your kid. They sleep late and wake up late. All can affect their health, mood, and energy level.

Modern Technology and Devices Affecting Your Relationship With Your Kids?


Bad Relations with kids

Modern technology is affecting the parent-child relationship negatively. Both the parents and children spend most of their time scrolling or checking phones. The kids are more into playing virtual games than playing with their parents or siblings. Ultimately children are deprived of proper love, care, and affection. In their teenage age or adult growing up without proper love they might feel frustration and sadness.

Your child may miss their entire childhood when they should be spending more time with their caregivers, parents, or relatives. They may not be able to make good friends nor you can be their friend.

A common scenario can be kids distracted by their phones during times that could be spent engaging with their family, such as dinner, playing at the park, or during bedtime routines. These habits can strengthen parent-child bonding. This is why the majority do not recommend technology to young children.

Guidelines for Technology Use

In this modern age, you can not keep your kid totally away from technology. The best you can do is follow the recommended guidelines on technology use for your child. Here are those,

  1. For kids under 18 months, it’s best to avoid screen time except for video calls with loved ones.
  2. Between 18 and 24 months, start showing screens with educational content and watch together.
  3. Children aged 2 to 5 should only have one hour of screen time per day. There should be a grown-up to guide them through what they’re watching.
  4. Kids 6 and up should still have set time limits for screen use, and should avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime.


Technological knowledge is important for young children but with limited usage. Today controlling the use of devices, or games of kids has become quite tough. Many times parents willingly give playstation or mobile phones to their kids. Later this makes the kid obese, has poor cognitive development, is unsocial, and snatches a beautiful childhood.

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Emily Pham

Infant Teacher

My name is Emily and I am an infant teacher. My aim with this position is to learn how children develop as unique individuals and learn how to support their holistic growth. I am currently a student at San Francisco
State University majoring in Child and Adolescent Development. With this experience, I am hoping to get a sense on whether I want to continue to work in the classroom or if I want to learn the administrative side of education. The experience of working directly with children is gratifying and I wish to create a safe space for children to explore with all of their senses as they develop their own personalities. I hope to be able to help build a strong foundation so that the children can have the confidence and ability to express themselves.