How Children Learn Through Play

How Children Learn Through Play

Through play, children can learn to develop physical, cognitive, social, and emotional skills, as well as build self-confidence and gain knowledge. Playing is also a great way for kids to release extra energy. Therefore, kids not only have fun when playing but also get a chance to learn as they interact with their peers. As a parent, it is necessary to create an environment where your child can be curious, can explore, and can be creative when faced with challenging situations.

Seeing your little ones develop as they play is always a joy. As a parent, you love to hear them say new words or create new ideas. Your child’s imagination is key in ensuring they know and understand their surroundings. By using educational toys during playtime, children can learn different skills they will use as they grow.

What Is Learning Through Play?

Learning through play is when children interact and play among themselves or with toys. When playing, kids get to learn how to express their emotions and gather different experiences. Additionally, they learn how to connect these experiences and emotions with their environment. Playing enables children to make sense of everything around them.

How Children Learn Through Play as They Grow

Children develop most from birth to five years. This period is essential for both mental and physical development. If your child develops successfully within the first five years, they are more likely to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically ready to take on the world.

0-2 Years

This is a phase where the socio-emotional development of your child is key. During the first two years, your child is dependent on you for most things, like feeding, sleeping, and even playing. Therefore, offering a safe, loving, and playful environment will support healthy brain development.

Additionally, during this phase, they learn how to form bonds and connect with individuals and things that make them feel safe, happy, and comfortable. Practice responsive and playful caregiving to help them see and understand their surroundings.

3-5 Years

This is regarded as the preschool or kindergarten period, where children are curious and want to explore as they try to make sense of the world around them. Your child’s communication, imagination, creativity, problem-solving, cooperation, and social understanding will develop extensively.

During this period, you can practice things like reading, writing, singing, and playing with blocks, numbers, or letters. Alternatively, you can take them to a playgroup where they will interact with other children. This will further develop their cognitive and social skills.

Why Learn Through Play Is Essential

Playing is an essential part of any child’s growth and development. It gives kids a chance to explore and use their imagination, which allows them to develop intellectually, socially, physically, and emotionally. Children get to learn and practice new roles and responsibilities, how to be socially interactive, and how to build relationships with those around them.

Not only is learning through play great for development, but it allows children to have fun, be happy, and create lifelong memories.

How to Encourage Learning through Play

Children can learn through play both at home and at school.

At Home

Home is considered to be the first school for any child. It’s important to create a comfortable and safe environment where your kid can learn and play. Being involved during your child’s play creates a stronger family bond and allows them to learn from their loved ones.

At home, you can participate in activities like singing, reading books, playing with toys, dressing up, playing pretend, playing catch, riding a bike, and so much more. No matter how you learn through play at home, be sure to explain different steps and concepts along the way. This will help children absorb valuable lessons that will stick with them throughout life.

While at home, kids are more accessible and more comfortable playing however they please. Be sure to teach your child the importance of social skills and niceties they will need when playing with friends, like sharing, saying “please” and “thank you,” asking for permission, and what to do if they get upset while playing with another child.

At School

Play-based teaching techniques can make it easier for students to understand the concepts of the subject at hand. An educator can turn different learning activities into games. For instance, they can use different colored blocks to help students count and solve simple mathematical problems.

Additionally, teachers can incorporate dramatic play when demonstrating something. This will allow the students to use their imagination and create a real-life scenario using the available classroom props. They may also participate in outdoor activities like visiting the zoo, playing on the playground, and exploring nature.

Final Thoughts

Playing is a crucial part of every child’s development. Therefore, it is your responsibility as a parent to ensure that your child gets enough time to explore and understand their environment. Furthermore, it is important to incorporate different learning ideas during your child’s playtime. This helps them acquire important life skills that will encourage them to do better, become self-reliable, be respectful, and learn responsibility.

Meaningful Beginnings

Here at Meaningful Beginnings, we believe that children deserve to be nurtured properly as it sets them up for a better future. We aim to provide a safe and conducive environment where kids can play, have fun, and learn.

Contact Meaningful Beginnings to learn more about how children can learn through play at our education facility.

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Emily Pham

Infant Teacher

My name is Emily and I am an infant teacher. My aim with this position is to learn how children develop as unique individuals and learn how to support their holistic growth. I am currently a student at San Francisco
State University majoring in Child and Adolescent Development. With this experience, I am hoping to get a sense on whether I want to continue to work in the classroom or if I want to learn the administrative side of education. The experience of working directly with children is gratifying and I wish to create a safe space for children to explore with all of their senses as they develop their own personalities. I hope to be able to help build a strong foundation so that the children can have the confidence and ability to express themselves.